Foxfield Railway Ticket Portal

Membership Subscriptions

Members holding Life, Full, Senior and Junior membership are entitled to three full round trips per year. This includes family members where a Family Membership is held. This benefit is available on non-event days, see FLR Literature for event dates. Additional trips, trips on event days and Associate Member’s tickets may be purchased at the concessionary rate. During the year you will receive regular updates on forthcoming events and other information relating to current rolling stock etc.

Once your subscription is paid, your details will be sent to our memberships administration team who will be in touch with further information and your membership card. If you requested more information about volunteering, our volunteering team will also receive your details and be in touch as soon as possible.

Membership Subscriptions

Members holding Life, Full, Senior and Junior membership are entitled to three full round trips per year. This includes family members where a Family Membership is held. This benefit is available on non-event days, see FLR Literature for event dates. Additional trips, trips on event days and Associate Member’s tickets may be purchased at the concessionary rate. During the year you will receive regular updates on forthcoming events and other information relating to current rolling stock etc.

Once your subscription is paid, your details will be sent to our memberships administration team who will be in touch with further information and your membership card. If you requested more information about volunteering, our volunteering team will also receive your details and be in touch as soon as possible.